Principal’s Blog Edition 3 2023: Outdoor Education
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Two recent discussions with principals from other schools regarding our Outdoor Education program at TAS have caused me to reflect on the benefits for our students. With such obvious benefits, why aren’t every school investing in Outdoor Education? It seems there are currently three schools of thought with respect to Outdoor Education in schools – too hard, outsource it, or fully embrace. With the cost of providing meaningful outdoor education experiences for our students continuing to rise (like many other things), combined with the increase in risk and a change in attitudes and the availability of staff, schools are facing some tough decisions in this space.
It is important to clarify that “outdoor education” and the traditional “school camp” are different things. Outdoor Education is embedded in the school curriculum, in that it is considered part of the overall teaching program. Elements of other subjects are incorporated into the Outdoor Education experiences and vice versa. Year 7 students learn how to prepare, make, and safely store muesli slice and banana bread in Food Technology classes, preparing for navigating their journeys using compasses and contour maps in Geography, or exploring the structure of journal writing genres in English. Primary students net for yabbies and other species, then use identification keys to analyse, problem solve, and thus determine species through their observed characteristics. This learning in context is incredibly powerful.
Embedding Outdoor Education into our curriculum, and thus connecting it to our overall teaching and learning program, provides our students with an additional range of authentic learning experiences. There is even a formal elective in Year 10, being the Outdoor Recreation – Personal and Leadership Development Program, that provides the opportunity for students to further their knowledge and experience in this area and the opportunity to take part in the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award and World Challenge Expeditions to developing countries.
Through our Outdoor Education program, students benefit to an even greater extent from less tangible outcomes, such as improved mental health. Recent research by Outdoor Youth Programs Research Alliance (OYPRA) indicates that “Students who went on camps were more independent, less anxious, worked harder at school, and felt more important in the school community.” Outdoor Education Australia writes, “Learning about the self in outdoor environments can result in enhanced personal capability, self-esteem, self-efficacy, physical and mental health. Learning about others in the outdoors can result in enhanced inclusion of disadvantaged groups and improved relationships.” These personal skills are becoming more important as rates of anxiety and depression in our young people increase. Schools need to address these issues and provide a suite of skills to help students navigate through the sometimes-challenging teen years. Our Outdoor Education program is a key part of our strategy for building resilience, teamwork, leadership, and tolerance in our students.
At TAS, we fully embrace the value and opportunities that Outdoor Education provides. This is only possible through commitments by the School Board, our teaching staff, and the strong support of our parents. But most importantly, our Outdoor Education leaders and staff are outstanding. We are blessed to have one of the best Outdoor Education programs in Australia, and it would be remiss not to acknowledge the outstanding leadership and direction of our program by Mr Darren Osmond. In just the last three years, the program has reached some truly amazing heights.
- Finalist: Best Outdoor Education program- Outdoors Queensland Awards
- Finalist: Darren Osmond – Outstanding Achievement – Individual – Outdoors Queensland Awards
- National finalist: Best Co-Curricular program – Australian Education Awards
- Winner: Best Outdoor Education program- Queensland Outdoor Education Awards
- Finalist: Best Outdoor Education program- Australian Outdoor Education Awards
- Winner: Best Outdoor Education program- Queensland Outdoor Education Awards
- Winner: best outdoor education program- Australian Outdoor Education Awards
- Winner: Emma Beveridge- Best Outdoor Education Practitioner- Queensland Outdoor Education Awards
- Winner: Emma Beveridge – Best Outdoor Education Practitioner- Australian Outdoor Education Awards
- National finalist: Best Co-Curricular program – Australian Education Awards
Trinity Anglican School will continue to value and develop outdoor education for our school community. Our teaching staff are committed to the positive outcomes the program provides and give of their own time to ensure ongoing success, as well as building those important relationships that occur outside the classroom.