The program begins in Year 1 and extends to Year 12. The duration of each trip ranges from one day in Year 1 to an 18-day Outdoor Education Program in Year 9. Primary school programs are centre-based and build on a range of personal and outdoor education skills. Secondary school programs are journey- or expedition-based, with Year 11 and 12 programs focus on leadership, teamwork and effective communication.
This exciting, custom-made Outdoor Recreation Program is developed to meet the needs of Year 10 students and nurture their personal and leadership skills.
The program features an additional 25 field days throughout the year, including a three- or four-day end-of-term trip. Activities can include kayaking, rock climbing, hiking, navigation, lifesaving and rescue.
Upon completion of the program, students will receive the following:
- Senior First Aid Certificate (Remote and Wilderness Context)
- Bronze Medallion Lifesaving Qualification
- Course certificate with skills learned and outcomes achieved
- Logbook with around 25 days of outdoor experience
- Optional accreditation for students working towards their Bronze or Silver Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award
This internationally recognised youth development program is open to anyone between the ages of 14 and 25. It is comprised of three challenging levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold.
Each level required students to complete activities that fall within four key pillars – service, skills, physical recreation and adventure journey. Students are nurtured into quality citizens who strive to improve the communities in which they live and make constructive use of their leisure time. The award is based on individual achievement allowing participants to develop their self-confidence, perseverance, integrity and essential life skills.